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 “Adjusted Controlled Pass-By (CPB) Method for Urban Road Traffic Noise Assessment”

Ricardo Moreno, F. Bianco, S. Carpita, A. Monticelli, L. Fredianelli, G. Licitra,

Sustainability 2023, 15(6), 5340. 2023

“Machine Learning techniques applied to Road Health Status Recognition through Tyre Cavity Noise Analysis”

G. Schiaffino, L.G. Del Pizzo, S. Silvestri, F. Bianco, G. Licitra, F.G. Praticò,

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2162 012011. DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2162/1/012011. 2021.

"Stabilization of a pu Sensor Mounted on a Vehicle for Measuring the Acoustic Impedance of Road Surfaces”F Bianco, L Fredianelli, F Lo Castro, P Gagliardi, F Fidecaro ; G Licitra Sensors, 20(5), 1239. 2020.

"Analysis of a vehicle-mounted self-stabilized p-u probe as a continuous spatial acoustic impedance measuring system for studying road surfaces" (pdf)

L. Fredianelli, F. Bianco, M. Bolognese, P. Gagliardi, F. Lo Castro, F. Fidecaro, G. Licitra

48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering,
Giugno 16-19, Madrid. 2019

"Sviluppo di un profilometro laser per misure di tessitura stradale e studio della correlazione tra tessitura e rumore da rotolamento." (pdf)

Del Pizzo, A., Bianco, F., Teti, L. Moro, A., Licitra, G.

Rivista Italiana di Acustica, Vol. 42, N. 1-2, pp. 1-16., 2018

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