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Environmental acoustics


iPOOL can deal with the environmental noise pollution in all its aspects, carrying out noise levels measurements according to all the decrees that have followed the Italian Framework law n° 447/95 for the Acoustic Pollution.


With a mobile control unit, equipped with certified class 1 instrumentation for the frequency analysis, statistical analysis and detection of the continuous noise equivalent level are possible for the monitoring activity in long-term outdoor measurement campaigns. At the same time, accurate indoors measurements for assessing the exposure of the population to road, rail or airport, or industrial noise are possible.


Moreover, with a mobile laboratory equipped with Class 1 equipment we provide specific measurement campaigns for the evaluation and characterization of the noise from road traffic in urban or suburban areas and motorway following these methods:


CPX misure iPOOL

- CPX (Close-Proximity method)in accordance with ISO / DIS 11819-2. The method is widely used in Europeto evaluate the rolling noise emission (tire-pavement contact) for the acoustic characterization of a low noise road surface;


- SPB (Statistical Pass-By) - SPB (Statistical Pass-By) according to ISO 11819-1. The approach estimates the influence of the acoustic characteristics of a pavement by assessing the arising noise at the roadside. The technique is based on the analysis of many events and allows describing different pavements with the same index, even if placed on roads affected by different traffic flows;


iPOOL can also offer technical advices to companies for the preparation of their noise impact documentation, through specific environmental measures and frequency analysis of sound levels and/or through numerical modeling for the dimensioning of noise abatement measures, such as equipments’ shielding or noise barriers. 

Noise and land use planning


We can provide support for the urban planning and the territorial government for the environmentalprotection. In details iPool can perform:: 


acoustic strategic noise maps of the territory in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 194/05 or themore general European directive 2002/49 / EC, even through numerical modeling;


- acoustic classification of the urban areas according to the guidelines of the Framework Law on PollutionAcoustic n ° 447/95; 


- set up of policy measures of noise mitigation and action plans of the areas exposed to noise pollution in accordance with DM 29/11/2000 and the Legislative Decree 194/05.


Within the Framework Convention signed with the national council of research (IPCF-CNR), we can access the computing infrastructure of the Institute to model complex situations in a short time. 


Mappatura acustica

Building Acoustics


We have the suitable equipments to evaluate in-situ the acoustic performance of a building unit or its technical elements in compliance with the technical standards UNI 11367 - July 2010, including sample in accordance with the UNI 11444 - May 2012. Generally, the characterization of the acoustic performance of buildings UNI correspondents::


  • facade acoustic insulation;

  • Insulation to airborne noise of partitions;

  • environmental noise level inside the unoccupied rooms;

  • footfall noise level​;

  • noise level from continuous or discontinuous generation systems;

  • reverberation time;

  • Speech Transmission Index (STI and RASTI according to IEC 60268-16, UNI EN ISO 9921: 2004, UNI EN ISO 9921).


 Absorption and transmission tests according to UNI EN ISO 1793 parts 5 and 6 on test elements for acoustic barrier

We are able to carry out measurement of noise barrier parameters according to the latest UNI EN ISO 1793 standard which envisages the use of 9 microphones. Specifically, the reflection coefficient, i.e. the percentage of energy reflected by the barrier, and the transmission insulation coefficient, or the reduction of transmitted noise, are measured.


Measurement of road pavements properties

We are able to carry out measurements of road profile texture in the region of the macro and mega texture (ISO 13473) using a triangulation laser mounted on our mobile laboratory.

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Misure assorbimento acustico
Misure assorbimento acustico

Acoustic materials


We are able to carry out analysis of sound absorption with the impedance tube method according to ISO10534-2 (Kundt tube) in our laboratory specifically equipped at the IPCF-CNR. The technique allows the characterization of all the solid materials, including carrots of low noise pavements.


The finite element method (FEM) numerical modeling is used to determine the main acoustic parameters that characterize the porous materials and conglomerates used for paving roads.



We can also carry out mechanical impedance measurements of the road surface using a measurement system consisting of an impact hammer and an accelerometer.

iPOOL S.r.l.     -     CF/P.IVA 01784280479

Contacts: Siege Social : Ripa Castel Traetti, 1 - 51100 Pistoia | Siege Operationnel: Via Cocchi, 7 loc. Ospedaletto - 56121 Pisa”     Provacy Policy  

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