Our current research projects concern:
Road traffic noise
A framework agreement with Ecopneus (the non-profit company for the tracking, collection, processing and final destination of end-of-life tyres) is on going for research activities in:
Study of the acoustic performance of road surfaces;
Development of new methodology and evaluation of the measurements’ results;
Assessment of the weather effects and all the other parameters influencing the CPX and SPB measurements;
Correlation between the measurements performed in the mobile laboratory and the roadside ones;
New methods for the evaluation of the induced vibrations by vehicle traffic on different surfaces.

Published Articles to which iPOOL contributed:
"Modelling of acoustic ageing of rubberized pavements" (pdf)
G Licitra, A Moro, L Teti, A Del Pizzo, F Bianco
Applied Acoustics 146, pagine 237–245, 2019
"Long Term Monitoring Of Acoustic Performances Of Rubberized Surfaces" (pdf)
A. Moro, L. Teti, F. Bianco, G. Licitra
Rubberized Asphalt Rubber 2018 (RAR2018) Conference September 25-28, 2018
"Implementation of a laser profilometer for road texture measurements and its correlation with rolling noise." (pdf)
Del Pizzo, A., Bianco, F., Teti, L. Moro, A., Licitra, G.
Rivista Italiana di Acustica, Vol. 42, N. 1-2, pp. 1-16., 2018
"A new approach for the evaluation of the relationship between road texture and rolling noise" (pdf)
A. Del Pizzo, F. Bianco, L. Teti, A. Moro, G. Licitra
25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018. (ICSV 25). Hiroshima, Japan. 8 - 12 July 2018
"Analisi spettrale di tessitura e rumore da rotolamento in pavimentazioni a bassa emissione" (pdf)
A. Del Pizzo, F. Bianco, L. Teti, A. Moro, G. Licitra
45° Convegno Nazionale AIA – Aosta, 20-22 giugno 2018
"The influence of tyres on the use of the CPX method for evaluating the effectiveness of a noise mitigation action based on low-noise road surfaces" (pdf)
G Licitra, L Teti, M Cerchiai, F Bianco
Transportation research Part D 55, 217-226, 2017
"The influence of tyres on the CPX method used for evaluating the efficacy of a noise mitigation action" (pdf)
G Licitra, M Cerchiai, L Teti, M Chetoni, F Bianco
Proceedings of ICSV 23, Atene Luglio 2016
"Relationship between Pass By results, CPX ones and roadside long-term measures: some considerations" (pdf)
G Licitra, M Cerchiai, L Teti, F Bianco, M Chetoni, E Ascari
Proceedings of Inter-Noise, Amburgo Agosto 2016
"Durability and variability of the acoustical performance of rubberized road surfaces" (pdf)
G. Licitra, M. Cerchiai, L. Teti, E. Ascari, L. Fredianelli
Applied Acoustics 94, pagine 20–28, 2015
G Licitra, M Cerchiai, L Teti, E Ascari, F Bianco, M Chetoni
Coatings 5 (1), 3-25, 2015
Building acoustics
Research activities for the acoustic characteriztion of schools interior enviroments are in progress, besides with the setting up of a new indicator for presenting the results to the public. Specific activities focus on the determination of the spatial distribution along the surfaces of vibration levels induced by external noise. The aim is the identification of the best design solutions for improving the acoustic performance and the acoustic comfort inside the school, which has a well known effects on learning and teaching.

(3D map for vibration levels on the external walls in a classroom induced by external noise)

Published Articles to which iPOOL contributed:
“Annoyance judgment and measurements of environmental noise: A focus on Italian secondary schools” (pdf)
Minichilli, F., Gorini, F., Ascari, E., Bianchi, F., Coi, A., Fredianelli, L., ... & Cori, L.
International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(2), 208. 2018.
“Global noise score indicator for classroom evaluation of acoustic performances in LIFE GIOCONDA project” (pdf)
M. Chetoni, E. Ascari, F. Bianco, L. Fredianelli, G. Licitra, L. Cori,
Noise Mapping 3 (1), 157-171, 2016.
“Investigating to solve noise problems in the schools: environmental noise exposure and walls insulation” (pdf)
M. Chetoni, F. Bianco, L. Fredianelli, G. Licitra,
Proceedings of ICSV 23, Atene Luglio 2016.
“Assessment of the noise quality of school rooms within the Gioconda Project” (pdf)
M. Chetoni, E. Ascari, F. Bianco, L. Fredianelli, G. Licitra, L. Cori,
Proceedings of ICSV 22, Firenze, Luglio 2015.
Other published Articles to which iPOOL contributed:
"Analysis of a vehicle-mounted self-stabilized p-u probe as a continuous spatial acoustic impedance measuring system for studying road surfaces" (pdf)
L. Fredianelli, F. Bianco, M. Bolognese, P. Gagliardi, F. Lo Castro, F. Fidecaro, G. Licitra
48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, Giugno 16-19, Madrid. 2019
“Noise Assessment of Small Vessels for Action Planning in Canal Cities” (pdf)
Bernardini, M., Fredianelli, L., Fidecaro, F., Gagliardi, P., Nastasi, M., & Licitra, G.
Environments, 6(3), 31. 2019.
P. Gagliardi, L. Teti, G. Licitra,
Applied Acoustics, 134, 8-15, 2018.
“Loudspeaker FEM modelling: characterisation of critical aspects in acoustic impedance measure through electrical impedance” (pdf)
F. Bianco, L.Teti, G. Licitra, M. Cerchiai,
Applied Acoustics, 134, 8-15, 2018.